Sunday, July 19, 2009

12 aprons in 6 days!

What a fun and crazy 6 days it has been! I can't tell you how many hours have been logged at the sewing machine! I used a whole 500 yard spool of thread- plus a lot more in other colors! I was amazed at how much thread we went through!

I never would have been able to sew that many aprons without the help of my mom. She is wonderful to spend her vacation time helping me sew. I know, you're all jealous.

SO- all of the aprons that I have done are going to the Country Caurosel boutique that will be going on during Education Week at BYU in August (at Provo High School).
In the next few weeks I will be working on a few more aprons, plus some kids sized aprons to coordinate with some of the aprons that will also be going to that boutique.
I really want to post the pictures I took of the aprons I made, but we're doing a photoshoot soon and I'd MUCH rather post those pictures instead of the ones I snapped really quick.
I guarantee that you'll love the aprons though. :)

Stay tuned for some great pictures of a lot of aprons! Perhaps I'll take a picture of the fabric I scored at the quilting store to tide you over until then. I got some really cute stuff and can't wait to get some aprons made out of it!